
Légy jó, tégy jót - Be good, do good...

2016. már 15.

Jó reggelt Európa 7

írta: gkakuk
Jó reggelt Európa 7

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menekültek Görögország Greece Kakuk György refugees menekült válság El Camino De Balkan refugeecrisis Leszbosz

2016. már 12.

Szétmállik a méltóság

írta: gkakuk
Szétmállik a méltóság

Idomeni a kapu mögött

  Amikor éjszaka eláll az eső, hajnalban a hegyek fölé emelkedik a nap és a köd csak lenn a völgyben, a tábor felett tartja még magát, ott ragad még néhány órára, a vasúti kocsik, a sárba ragadt sátrak felett, ahonnan olyankor még nem hallatszik más csak a hurutos köhögés, olyankor még csak a korán…

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menekültek Európa Görögország Kakuk György refugees menekült válság Idomeni El Camino De Balkan refugeecrisis

2016. feb 15.

A kirkuki front

írta: gkakuk
A kirkuki front

Kurdok, síták, szunniták törékeny békéje

  „Alamból, Tikrit mellől jöttünk” - mondta a legidősebb a négy férfi közül. Ott álltak a mérnöki precizitással ásott árok túloldalán. Öt gyerek szaladgált körülöttük, az asszonyok távolabb az út mellett ültek. „Azhaim Shahada Saleh vagyok.” A idős férfi bemutatkozott. - „A fiamat megölte a…

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Irak Kurdisztán ISIL IS refugees Daesh Peshmerga El Camino De Balkan refugeecrisis Kak

2016. feb 07.

Greek drama

írta: gkakuk
Greek drama

Heydat from Afghanistan was the first person I met on Lesbos. He was sitting in front of the Blue Sea Hotel. His brother-in-law addressed me, asked for a light. That's how we started talking. Heydat's brother-in-law lives in Belgium. He flew to Greece the moment he heard what had happened. The…

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Greece German Marshall Fund Kakuk György refugees El Camino De Balkan refugeecrisis Lesbos

2016. feb 07.

Kurdistan's fights to stay above water

írta: gkakuk
Kurdistan's fights to stay above water

- These around us are Arab villages. The people of Daesh (Islamic State) are there. After last year's autumn Peshmerga-offensive they disappeared, dispersed in these villages, - Dr. Kemal Kirkuki, former Speaker of the Kurdistan parliament uses a quite detailed presentation to introduce the…

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english German Marshall Fund Iraq Kurdistan IS Kakuk György refugees Daesh El Camino De Balkan refugeecrisis

2016. feb 07.

Lebanon - the antithesis of Europe

írta: gkakuk
Lebanon - the antithesis of Europe

My first experience about Syria is from when I was 5. In the downtown of Damascus, three people were hanged. But first they were skinned and their bodies were rolled into newspapers. Their blood was dripping. They were traitors. At least according to Assad Sr.'s secret police.We are sitting on a…

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english German Marshall Fund Kakuk György refugees El Camino De Balkan refugeecrisis Beirut Lebanon

2016. feb 07.

All vs. all

írta: gkakuk
All vs. all

Whatever will be the outcome of the Syrian civil war will be, the refugee crisis may grow bigger than ever before. The European Union seems to be really taking the problem seriously. The suggestions are closing in on the source of the troubles- they are in Turkey already and once surely will arrive…

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english Syria German Marshall Fund Kakuk György refugees El Camino De Balkan refugeecrisis

2016. feb 07.

Istanbul, end of the road

írta: gkakuk
Istanbul, end of the road

Now, should come the numbers, statistics, wise and deep thoughts, now and here I must have prepared the ground for this whole new journey, instead I am here, sitting on the floor of a shabby building’s cellar in Istanbul’s Sulejmanije district surrounded by at least ten Syrian Kurds, those who are…

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english Turkey Istanbul refugees El Camino De Balkan Gyorgy Kakuk refugeecrisis

2016. feb 07.

Across the border

írta: gkakuk
Across the border

From Kanjiza a footpath lead out of the town. It goes along the river in the forest. A pleasant easy one kilometer walk under the trees. From the end of the path the highway junction is only another kilometer and half. ANd there comes the last long walk along a straight and very good quality road to…

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english Vojvodina Serbia refugees El Camino De Balkan Gyorgy Kakuk refugeecrisis people smuggling Kanjiza

2016. feb 07.

Belgrade stopover

írta: gkakuk
Belgrade stopover

Belgrade is a stopover. Chaos and disorder. The parks around the bus station have been taken over by refugees. Across the bus station and a housing block away is where they are. Waiting. The tickets to the northern cities of Vojvodina are sold for days in advance. Signs in arabic language…

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english Belgrade Serbia refugees El Camino De Balkan Gyorgy Kakuk refugeecrisis

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